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Kategorie Jerusalem
Solidaritätspilgerreise Israel / Palästina 2016
Eine Reise organisiert durch Pax Christi Österreich und den Intern. Versöhnungsbund
Ein Karem, Montag, 14. November 2016 Am 23. Oktober hießen wir die Gruppe von Pax Christi Österreich und den österreichischen Zweig des Intern. Versöhnungsbund mit einem leckeren Picknick in unserer Gemeinschaft willkommen. Sr. Juliana ging auch mit der Gruppe in den Garten, um mit ihnen über die Patres Theodore und Alphonse Ratisbonne zu sprechen und ihnen ... Weiterlesen...
Anders durch Israel und Palästina
Pax Christi Österreich und Intern. Versöhnungsbund Österreich
Mit Pax Christi Österreich und dem Internationalen Versöhnungsbund Österreich waren kürzlich 18 Personen aus Österreich und Deutschland anders durch Israel und Palästina unterwegs, als es „Heilig-Land-Pilger/innen“ vertraut ist. Ihr Schwerpunkt waren die Solidarität mit palästinensischen und Begegnungen mit jüdischen Bewohner/innen des Landes. Der Gruppe schloss sich die Sionsschwester Juliana Baldinger mit ihren vier Novizinnen an, ... Weiterlesen...
Solidarity Pilgrimage Israel / Palestine 2016
A trip organised by Pax Christi Austria and Inter. Fellowship of Reconciliation
Ein Karem, Monday, 14 November 2016 On October 23rd we welcomed the group of Pax Christi Austria and International Fellowship of Reconciliation – Austrian branch with a delicious picnic lunch in our community. Also Sr. Juliana went with the group to the garden to explain about Fr. Theodore and Fr. Alphonse Ratisbonne and how sisters ... Weiterlesen...
Video: Erste Gelübde 2016
Consecrated Life: witness and joy of serving Christ
At the end of the Year dedicated to the Consecrated Life, six young girls profess their first vows in the Congregation of Our Lady of Sion, Jerusalem
With a simple sentence, these young girls have taken an important commitment.
„Yes, I am ready to accept this call.“
They said yes to life of poverty, celibacy and obedience to God and to the principles of the congregation to which they belong. The commitment has been accompanied by a prayer.
„Father, send down Your Spirit upon me, so that, following Mary’s example, I accept your word. Father, enkindle in me a response of love and faithfulness. “
These six young girls, formerly novices, professed their first vows in the community of Our Lady of Sion. They came from Guatemala, the Philippines, Egypt and Brazil, and have spent two years in Jerusalem.
JOEY EDUVANE, Philippines
„We have studied and even made apostolic experiences in Jerusalem; some of us in Poland and Egypt. We are very grateful and we give glory to God for this day.“
The commitment was made on an important day: the last day of the Year for Consecrated Life. Instituted by Pope Francis, the year began on November 30, 2014 and will end on February 2, 2016.
“Having waited five years to see all our achievements completed in the Year Consecrated to religious Life is a blessing from God, it is like a miracle.“
Sr. MAUREE CUSICK, NDS, Congregation Our Lady of Sion
„It is a joy for the congregation, as for other communities, to celebrate the religious and the consecrated life and to honor the importance of all the charisms of religious life for the Church“
When he organized a Year dedicated to the Consecrated people, Pope Francis said he expected each religious to look at the history of their religious institution with gratitude, to live the present with enthusiasm and to embrace the future with hope.
Fr. CARLOS VASCONCELOS, NDS, Congregation Our Lady of Sion
„The different charisms of the various congregations, religious institutions and historic orders give more life to the Church. We bring the Church to places where the secular clergy can not go. Therefore, I think that religious life in the Church is of vital importance.“
In the apostolic letter written on the occasion of the opening of the Year of Consecrated Life, the Holy Father also highlighted the necessity of the testimony. He said that the life of every consecrated person should be an example for others, a life that reveals the joy and beauty of living the Gospel and follow Christ.
Source: Terra Santa News 22/01/2016
David oder Goliath
Betrifft Geschichte
Eine Sendung des ORF 1 vom 12. Juni 2015. Der ehemalige israelische Soldat Samuel Welber und die in Tel Aviv geborene israelische Menschenrechtsaktivistin Roni Hammermann, deren Eltern aus Wien stammten berichten über ihre Erfahrungen und die Situation der Palästinenser. Roni Hammermann haben wir persönlich kennen gelernt und mehrfach getroffen. Sie beeindruckt uns sehr in ihrer klaren, ruhigen Art mit der sie für die Rechte der Palästinenser eintritt, gerade weil viele ihrer Vorfahren in der Shoah umgekommen sind. Sie steht regelmäßig an Checkpoints mit der Organisation „Machsom Watch“, einer jüdischen Frauenorganisation.
Hannukiah made by children
Hand in Hand school
Dear Sisters and Friends, I am forwarding to you a picture of a Hanukiah made by the children of Hand in Hand School that was sent on loan to the White House this week at their request made through the American Embassy in Tel Aviv. This coming Monday, two girls from the 9th grade will ... Weiterlesen...